How to name a form

In FormApe, naming your form is to ensure that it is easily identifiable and organized. This guide will help you understand how to name your form during its creation and how to rename it later if needed.

Naming your form during creation

Create a new form

Create new form
Create new form link

Navigate to the FormApe form list page.

Click on the "New Form" button to create a new form.

Enter the form title

On the form creation page, you will see a field at the top labeled "Form title"

Form name editor
Form name title inline

Click on this field to start typing your desired form title.

As you type, the form title will automatically update both in the form itself and in the form list. This means that any changes you make to the title will be reflected immediately.

Renaming an existing form

Navigate to the form list page

Form list
Form list

Go to form list page to view all your forms.

Find the form you want to rename in the list. The forms will be listed with their current titles.

Access the rename option

Form list menu
Form list menu

Click on the three dots next to the form title. This will open a dropdown menu.

Form list dropdwon menu
Form list menu dropdown

Select the "Rename" option from the dropdown menu.

Enter the new title

Rename editor
Form list rename editor

A text field will appear, allowing you to enter the new title for your form and type in the new title to save the change.

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