How to add form custom code

Adding custom code to your form in FormApe allows you to extend its functionality, personalize the user experience, and integrate it with other systems or applications.

Custom code can be used to enhance form behavior, and style, or to implement advanced features.

How to add form custom code

Choose an existing form or create a new one.

  1. Open the FormApe editor.
  2. Click on the "Settings" option located on the left side panel.
Access form settings
Access form settings

Inject code (CSS, JS, HTML within HEAD)

Customize your form's look and functionality using this setting to match your website or application.

This feature is only available for pro users.

The custom code you enter will be injected into the HEAD section of the form's HTML.

Inject code
Inject code


To style your form, enter your custom CSS code. This can be used to change colors, fonts, spacing, and more.

Custom css
Add custom CSS

Sample custom CSS form

Sample custom css form
Sample custom CSS form

For JavaScript

To add interactive features, enter your JavaScript code.

Custom js code
Custom JS code

Sample custom JS form

Sample custom js code form
Sample custom JS form

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