
Welcome to FormApe Help docs! This is your go-to resource for all questions related to building forms with FormApe. Through these resources, we aim to assist you in creating beautiful forms using our no-code form builder. If you can't find what you're looking for, our support is just a message away.

Getting started

Create a new form

How to name a form

Form templates

Thank you page

Embed form

Form settings

Form languages

Field types

Form field types

Text field

Google reCaptcha field

Email field

Textarea field

Phone number field

Link field

Number field

Dropdown field

Multi select field

Checkbox field

Radio field

Date field

Time field

File upload field

Rating field

GDPR field

Label field

Heading tags

Horizontal rule

Form customizations

How to add form custom code

How to add custom css code to form

Form submission redirect

How to add form field placeholder

Form responses

How to view form responses

How to delete form response

How to export form response

Email notifications for forms