Imbolc Gathering Booking 2025

Welcome to Imbolc!  (Apologies for the formatting here which is clunky, a downside of using FormApe;we

Dearest Fae, In January we return to our home of Paddington Farm in Glastonbury for our Imbolc Gathering. You are invited to come home to the HEART. We invite you to return to the sanctuary of our tribe for one last moment of cosy slowness before the wheel turns and Spring is upon us once more. As we listen to the seasons, let’s listen to each other and our needs, taking time to rest, indulge in tranquility and begin preparations for the return of the light. Bring your seeds to be sown (be they physical or spiritual) and as a community, let’s plot the course of our year ahead. At this small and often intimate gathering, let’s relish the gentle awakening of nature from her wintry slumber and call Spring back into our lives with heart circles, song, dancing, cuddles, firelight, some excellent faerie food, musical offerings, skill sharings, rituals/ceremonies, time in nature and an abundance of warmth and love.
Albion Faeries have been welcomed into the ritual landscape of Glastonbury to celebrate this time of quickening, and we will join Imbolc celebrations at the White Spring; Chalice Well and pilgrimage to Bride’s Mound.
OUR MULTIFAERIOUS TRIBE of queer spirits, gay witches, flower children, faggot farmers, treehuggers, sacred boundary crossers, drag creatures, gatekeepers, ceremonial queens, tricksters, hippies, new age enbies, pagans, lesbian lightworkers, activists, sissy shamans, transgender priestesses, ecofeminists, genderqueers, walkers between worlds, rainbow warriors and whoever else you are…!

Here is a link to the call:

Please fill out this form to request a space. We will let you know as soon as possible if you have a place or are on the waiting list.
Your data will be stored on formape and the microsoft cloud - This particular form webpage has been chosen based on their BDS recommendation, privacy policies and ease of use. Your information will be kept confidential and only accessible by faeries helping to plan the gathering.
Please email if you have any questions.

Who should we contact in an emergency?

Tell us about your stay!

The Imbolc Gathering runs from the 27th of January to the 5th of February.
We have been asked to vacate the farm by 12 noon on Wednesday 5th of February - please factor this into your plans. We encourage you to come for the whole gathering. We will prioritise those who intend to stay the full duration, but we will do our best to accomodate everyone.
Which nights will you be staying at the farm? *
Have you been to a gathering at Paddington Farm before?

Diversity at the gathering

In the spirit of increasing diversity within the Albion Faerie community, we are trialling a ‘priority booking approach’ to Fae who identify as People of Colour (POC)/Global Majority. Fae who identify with these identities will be given priority space to attend the gathering. This is an ongoing evolution, and in order to ensure that gatherings offer sanctuary and belonging to those queer minorities most at risk of exclusion or harm, we also continue the tradition of reserving spaces for people of marginalised experience, such as women, trans* faeries, non-binary faeries and faeries with disabilities.
We are also offering to connect faeries that share a similar identity or experience. We will do this informally before the gathering and in a way that you feel comfortable with.
And lastly, if you would like to hold a minority-inspired ritual or event, we can support you in manifesting your ideas.

Dietary needs

All meals will be vegetarian or vegan, and we will try to cater for any other dietary needs.
If you have any allergies, please let us know the severity. Whilst we cannot guarantee an entirely free-from environment, there is a separate kitchen where you can prepare individual meals if needed.
Do you have any dietary needs?

Sleeping at the farm

The farm has a mix of small and large multiple-occupancy rooms and a few single rooms - there is also space outside for UP TO FOUR LIVE-IN VEHICLES ONLY.
Beds are claimed as faeries arrive, and we usually designate a few rooms/dorms based on the needs of those attending the gathering. In the past we have had a quiet dorm, a trans-only room etc.
The farm has some accessible rooms (most inside the main farmhouse are on the ground floor close to a bathroom - and on the same level as the main kitchen and lounge. There are other rooms in a separate building which also has access to a bathroom.
We cannot guarantee accommodating everyone
Do you require an accessible room?

Our faerie community

Gatherings are co-created by everyone - there are no organisers or leaders at the farm.
Do you feel called to participate in the provision of these offerings at the farm?


Divided by 30 faeries who stay for the whole gathering, Breakeven cost each is £186.83. The cost to the community of booking Paddington Farm stays the same, no matter how many of us stay for fewer nights than the full gathering.
This is why we do encourage everyone to come for the whole gathering. We know how powerful a gathering can be when we come together for the full journey, and will prioritise those who intend to stay the full duration
To help keep our gatherings financially accessible we work on the three principles of…
NOTAFLOF (No-one turned away for lack of funds)
GAYABAGS (Give as you’re able but always give something)
ADAFAE (Additional donations and finance accepted enthusiastically)

FINANCE GUIDE (see for more details)

A great guideline provided from the Transcendence Gathering below provides clarity on how much to contribute:
NOTAFLOF Contribution £5 to £100 - I struggle to find stable employment due to discrimination or health issues. - I’m an unpaid community organiser
Solidarity Contribution £100 to £187 - I’m comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs - I can afford public transport - I’m able to buy some new items
Comfortable Contribution £187 to £220 - I have a safe and stable place to live, such as a rented flat or house - I do not have to rely on temporary accommodation like hotels or hostels - I receive a total income above the minimum living wage or work part-time by choice
Redistribution Contribution £220 and above - I own my home or rent a higher-end property - I have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money - I can comfortably go on holiday - I have access to family money and resources in times of need

And finally..

I have read the call and agree to the spirit of the gathering *
I have read the info about consent (from Featherstone) in this link: *